Strong... Healthy... Mind...

?'s for parents...
Do you feel your child is hiding things from you?
Is your child having trouble at home or at school?
Is your family going though a major transition such as separation, divorce, relocation, death, or remarriage?
Does your child seem isolated or withdrawn?
Does your child frequently complain of headaches or stomach aches and there does not seem to be a medical cause?
Does your child seem irritable, anxious, or sad?
Does your child get into trouble with the law or community?
Do you find that your child is often arguing or fighting?
Does your child have difficulty making or keeping friends?
Are your family members in conflict with one another?
Has your child witnessed or experienced trauma?
Does your child often push the limits or disregard rules?
If you have concerns about any of these issues, I am available to help.
?'s for kids & teens...
At times do you feel like you just don't fit in?
At times do you feel sad, anxious, lonely, lost, confused and/or hopeless? And just need to talk with someone privately?
Are there things going on in your family that upset you (divorce, a death, fighting, a crisis, etc.)?
Are you fighting with your parents, siblings and/or friends?
Do you feel like no matter how many times you try to explain yourself to your parents they just don't listen? Or don't seem to understand?
Do you feel stressed out about school?
Do you have trouble understanding or comprehending concepts in school?
Do you feel like you can never be good enough?
Do you wonder about your relationships (guy/girl, friendships, etc.)?
Are you doing drugs, smoking or drinking a lot?
Are you placing yourself in risky situations?
Are you hiding things from your parents and loved ones?
Do you focus on your weight or other concerns excessively?
Can you believe that some of these thoughts and feelings are normal? Sometimes even parents need some assistance as well. We can all work together to help you feel more comfortable and your family function better.
Weekend & after school appointments available.
Clinical Supervision offered.
Convenient to Washington DC, Chevy Chase and Bethesda, MD
Tele/Video and Walk & Talk Therapy Available.
Highland House
5480 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 201
Located at the Friendship Heights, Red Line Metro.
Garage Parking available.